Happy Summer 2021! The flowers are blooming, the sun is shining, and this summer already feels so much better than the Covid summer of 2020. I hope you can feel the hopefulness in the air.
The theme of June in my classes is "service." After all, the more you give, the more you receive. I know that you all do so much for so many. So, for me, service is not necessarily about "doing" more. It is about cultivating an attitude of service. I once heard Deepak Chopra say that one mantra that he repeats all day long is "How may I serve?"
I did this recently in the grocery store. The line for the one open check-out was really long and the customers (me too!) were getting flustered and edgy. I took the approach to start repeating "How may I serve?"
Another cashier soon showed up and made the announcement that the next person in line should come to her check-out. Of course, when this happens...which customer is actually next? There were like six of us.
So, I nudged the guy ahead of me to...